I started to use del.icio.us last Wednesday and I soon found out it’s a very useful tool! I was in the lab at LAIF and I was trying to find some technical French words concerning the textile industry: not an easy search! Luckily, using del.icio.us I found a glossary that really simplified my work. And I saved the URL of that webpage so if in the future I need to translate the same kind of text I won’t waste time on the Internet looking for something that can help me! In addition, I saved the URL of two online dictionaries. I think they can be useful for you too, especially if you need to find technical terms.
Having a look at the bookmarks saved by my blog peers, I noticed that we have almost the same interests. That’s way I think the network we created on del.icio.us will be really useful! For example, both Arianna and I are interested in current English usage: Arianna saved a website about English idiomatic expressions and I saved Slang O’ The Day, a website about slang words. Then all of the girls in my group saved at least one website that can help us to practice our listening skills. Arianna’s www.elllo.org offers a wide range of listening activities and I noted that the people who record the audio files are not necessarily American on British: there are many people from other countries. In this way we can learn to listen to people speaking English with an unusual accent. Chiara saved a website about listening activities, too. As far as this website is concerned, does anybody know how we can download the podcasts and save them on my computer? Martina highlighted a website dealing with the main grammar rules. I read the pages about sentence fragments and run-ons: have a look at them, you’ll find a definition and some useful examples.
Speak to you soon,