On the internet, it’s really difficult to find exactly what you are interested in, especially if you don’t know how to do your search. When I was preparing my Tesi Triennale on SMS language, I didn’t know all the tools that are available on the Internet (I’m discovering them now!) and so I really wasted a lot of time in surfing the Net. But I think I was lucky because I found a very effective article that is still published on TXT2NITE.COM, in the sms forum of the website. This essay, “Generation Txt? The sociolinguistics of young people's text-messages”, is written by Dr Crispin Thurlow and it is an analysis of text messages sent by teenagers. The research article starts with an abstract that explains the aim of the research: the essay aims to examine the linguistic forms and communicative functions in a corpus of 544 participants' actual text-messages. It’s a quantitative study based on a quite large corpus of text messages. The data arising from the analysis of this corpus are interpreted taking into consideration many aspects, which can concern for example the socio-linguistic context, the technological characteristics, and the linguistic features. At the end of the article there is a conclusion that summarizes the significant observations emerged from the research.
I think this research article can be considered an authoritative source of information. First of all, we know the name of the author and we can easily found further information about him, about his status and his publications. Secondly, there are many references to other authors, books and surveys. In this version of the essay, we can also find a detailed bibliography. Then, the whole essay is protected by copyright.
If you are interested in this topic, you can certainly use this research article as a reliable source in your academic papers. This kind of articles can be very useful, especially in this case: there aren’t many academic works (I mean “traditional books”) dealing with SMS language, so the sources found on the Internet become really precious!
I think this research article can be considered an authoritative source of information. First of all, we know the name of the author and we can easily found further information about him, about his status and his publications. Secondly, there are many references to other authors, books and surveys. In this version of the essay, we can also find a detailed bibliography. Then, the whole essay is protected by copyright.
If you are interested in this topic, you can certainly use this research article as a reliable source in your academic papers. This kind of articles can be very useful, especially in this case: there aren’t many academic works (I mean “traditional books”) dealing with SMS language, so the sources found on the Internet become really precious!
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